Leslie Robison performance art

leslie robison



MFA, University of Florida

BFA, Washington State University

Academic Employment

Associate Professor

Department of Art and Design

Flagler College, Saint Augustine, Florida

Solo Exhibitions
2018    A Soft Insurrection, Dayton Society of Artists, Dayton, Ohio
2017    The Language of Endowment, 621 Gallery, Tallahassee, Florida
2017    Becoming Monumental, TAD Gallery, Denton, Texas
2015    Little (de)Liberations: Small Works by Leslie Robison, Amistad, St. Augustine Beach, Florida
2007    Summer, Carrera Gallery, Flagler College, Saint Augustine, Florida
2002    Current Consumption, Carrera Gallery, Flagler College, Saint Augustine, Florida
2000    Absence Minded, Hubbard Hall Gallery, University of South Carolina-Lancaster

Art Participations/Community Events/Public Art Projects
2019    (artist/coordinator) Cellmates, St. John’s Youth Academy, St. Augustine, Florida
2018    (contributor/facilitator of detained youth contribution) Compassionate St. Augustine’s Let Freedom Ring
             Chimes Project at R.B. Hayling Freedom Park, St. Augustine, Florida
2015    (artist) Obelisk Art 450, monuments project, installed at St. Francis Inn, St. Augustine, Florida
2014    (coordinator) Literacy Mural, St. Johns Juvenile Detention Center, St. Augustine, Florida
2013    (participant) Ransom, Wayfarer’s Brooklyn, Brooklyn New York
2013    (artist/coordinator) What is Vulnerability?, St. Johns Juvenile Detention Center, St. Augustine, Florida
2013    (artist/coordinator) Life Lessons, with the Council on Aging at Crisp-Ellert Museum, St. Augustine, Florida
2013    (regional curator and participant) Flor500, online via Florida International University, artist Xavier Cortada
2012    (artist/coordinator) The Buddy System, Council on Aging at the Art Association, St. Augustine, Florida
2010    (artist/coordinator) Launch!, St. Johns County Schools, Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, St. Augustine, Florida
2010    (participant) Imagination Squared, Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville, Florida
2010    (participant) Wish You Were Here 9, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, New York
2009    (participant) Everyone We Know: Sketchbook Project, Art House Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia
2009    (participant) …And the Rest We Didn’t Know, Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, St. Augustine, Florida


2019    Fight of Flight, LOLA Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee
2019    Flagler College Faculty Exhibition, Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, St. Augustine, Florida
2018    (juried) Defining The Art of Change in the Age of Trump, Center for Contemporary Political Art, Washington, D.C. juror: Charles Krause
2018    (juried) Rethinking the Menopause, Alison Richards Building and online, University of Cambridge,
            Cambridge, England
2018    (juried) 33rd Annual Tallahassee International, Museum of Fine Arts, FSU, Tallahassee, Florida
2018    Nasty Women Art Prize-Pop up Exhibition, EKA Palace, Lisbon, Portugal
2018    Nasty Women Art Prize-Pop up Exhibition, Popinnart, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2018    (juried) Pride and Prejudice, ARC Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
2018    (juried) Nasty Women Art Prize Showcase, PRAXIS Gallery, Newcastle, England
2018    (juried) Tiny Acts Topple Empires, The Woskob Family Gallery, Penn State U, State College, Pennsylvania
2017    Flagler College Faculty Exhibition, Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, St. Augustine, Florida
2017    (juried) American Dream, K Space Contemporary, Corpus Christi, Texas
2017    (juried) Gritty in Pink, Bailey Contemporary Arts, Pompano Beach, Florida
2016    (juried) Messing With Yarn, Textile Arts Factory, Napoli, Thessaloniki, Greece
2016    (juried) Politics and Power, Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, New York
2016    Extended Family, 849 Gallery, Louisville, Kentucky
2016    First Coast Educators Exhibit, Florida State College at Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida
2016    (juried) Hers, Me, an exhibition within the Outskirts Series, tAd Art Space, Denton, Texas
2015    Northeast Florida Sculptors, UNF Gallery, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida
2015    (juried) Perspective: Fresh Look at Contemporary Drawing & Painting, Hillyer Art Space,
            Washington, D.C.
2015    (juried) Who Might I Be?, Nave Gallery Annex, Sommerville, Massachusetts
2015    Werd, Main Gallery, Visual Art Exchange, Raleigh, North Carolina
2015    The Semi-Pro No-No Show, Gallery at Sternwood, Nashville, Tennessee
2015    (juried) South by Southlight, South Gallery at Florida State College of Jacksonville, Florida
2015    Flagler College Faculty Exhibition, Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, St. Augustine, Florida
2015    (juried) Without A Place, online Exhibition, http://bevietos.wix.com/withoutplace
2014    Font, curated by Donald Martin, St. Augustine Art Association, St. Augustine, Florida
2014    FLOR 500, Selected Artists, Graham Center Art Gallery, Florida Internationl University, Miami, Florida
2014    FLOR 500, Selected Artists, Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft. Myers, Florida
2013-14Our Shared Past, Cummer Museum of Art, Jacksonville, Florida
2013    FLOR500, Focus Gallery, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
2013    (juried) A State of Un-Play, Atelier 35, Bucharest, Romania
2013    (juried) What is Art? Art is Salvaged, Cummer Museum of Art, Jacksonville, Florida
2013    (juried) Paper in Particular, Columbia College, Columbia, Missouri                          
2012    (juried) Attention Otherwise Occupied, Manifesto-ish Virtual Gallery
2012    (juried) Folio Weekly Invitational Artists Exhibition, Cummer Museum of Art, Jacksonville, Florida
2012    Drawing Muchness, UNF Gallery, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida
2011    Material Matters, Sarasota Art Center, Sarasota, Florida
2011    The Black and White Show, St Johns County Administration Building, Saint Augustine, Florida
2011    Flagler College Art Faculty Show, Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, Saint Augustine, Florida
2010    MFA/FLA, Tioga Art Center, Tioga, Florida
2010    Art Unleashed, Modis Building, Jacksonville, Florida
2009    Peace and Unity, Art Advocate Gallery, Saint Augustine, Florida
2009    Women of the Past, Present, and Future, Art Advocate Gallery, Saint Augustine, Florida
2009    2nd International Potato Art Show, Johnny’s Kitchen, Hastings, Florida
2008    Flagler College Art Faculty Show, Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, Saint Augustine, Florida
2008    Artists Revealed, Saint Augustine Art Association, Saint Augustine, Florida
2008    The Potato Show, Johnny’s Kitchen, Hastings, Florida
2008    (juried) Simply Drawn, Atlanta Fine Arts League, Kennesaw, Georgia    juror: John de la Vega
2008    (juried) Digits, Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2008    (juried) Cure, Art Institute of Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida
2008    Addressing Joann, Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, Saint Augustine, Florida
2008    Untitled Exhibition, Gallery 1037 at Reddi Arts, Jacksonville, Florida
2007    Last Minute on Seattle Art Museum, Benham Gallery, Seattle, Washington
2007    Twenty-One, Saint Augustine High School Gallery, Saint Augustine, Florida
2006    Process, Carrera Gallery, Flagler College, Saint Augustine, Florida
2005    Faculty Exhibition, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
2005    (juried) Moscow Art Walk, Moscow Arts Council, Moscow, Idaho
2002    (juried) Wind River Valley Artists’ Guild 53rd Annual National Art Exhibit, Dubois, Wyoming
2001    Absence Present, MFA Thesis Exhibit, University Gallery, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
2000    A Cent$ of Play(ce), Focus Gallery, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
2000    Shades of GRADAA, Reitz Union Gallery, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
2000    (juried) Fine Arts College Council Show, University Gallery, University of Florida        juror:  Akio Takamori
1999    (juried) Fine Arts College Council Show, University Gallery, University of Florida       juror: Philip Smith 
1998    Instant GRADAAfication: Grad Art Association Show, SAOCA, Gainesville, Florida
1998    Space Squared: 12” of Compromise, Focus Gallery, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
1998    (juried) Greenwood Art Walk , Seattle, Washington
1997    Self Portraits, Daniel Smith Gallery, Seattle, Washington
1996    BFA Exhibit, Gallery III, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
1995    Sacred Hearts, Summer Song Gallery, Seattle, Washington

2019                Sponsorship Grant from the Dr. Joanne Crisp-Ellert fund of the Community Foundation for Northeast Florida
2018                Endowed Professorship, Kenan Distinguished Associate Professor of Liberal Education in Art, Flagler College, St. Augustine, Florida
2018                Highly Commended Award, Nasty Women International Art Prize, London, England
2017                Art Ventures Grant from the Community Foundation for Northeast Florida
2017                Fall Sabbatical leave, Flagler College, St. Augustine, Florida
2017                Best of Show, American Dream, K Space Contemporary, Corpus Christi, Texas
2017                3rd Place Judge’s Choice Award, Gritty in Pink, Bailey Contemporary, Pompano Beach, Florida
2011                Kahler Award for Professional Development
2010                Coordinator of grant enactment, Dr. Joanne Crisp-Ellert Grant for Art Appreciation through the                    

                        Community Fund, Jacksonville, Florida
2008                Summer Research Award, Schultz Foundation, Flagler College, Saint Augustine, Florida
2002                2nd place/Oil Painting, Wind River Valley Artists’ Guild, Dubois, Wyoming   
1998-2001       Grinter Academic Fellowship, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida        
1998-2001       Graduate Teaching Assistantship, University of Florida, School of Art and Art History
2001                Travel Grant, University of Florida, Graduate Student Council
1999                Honorable mention, Misc., Fine Arts College Council Juried Art Show, Gainesville, Florida


Artist Lectures/Panel Discussions
2019                Students and Inmates: Connecting Across Privilege on the panel Catalyst for Change:                                 

                        Community Partnerships at the Southeastern College Art Conference, Chattanooga,                                

2019                Empathy and Politics: Negotiating Student Approaches & Community Impact, on the panel                         

                        Social Practice & Service Learning at the College Art Association Conference, New York, NY
2018                Moderator, The Visuality of Race: Racism, Civil Rights, and Visual Politics, Crisp-Ellert Art
                        Museum, St. Augustine, Florida
2018                Insurrerection: My Work, Knitting, and Revolution, on the panel Social Textiles: Humor and Magic
                        as a part of ArtSpace at the Annual College Art Association Conference, Los Angeles, California
2013                Performing with Principles, on the panel Context, Narrative and Expression: Elements and
                        Principles for a Contemporary Practice, at FATE biannual conference, Savannah, Georgia
2011                Beyond Observation: Challenging Students Into Contemporary Drawing Practices, on the                            

                        panel Drawing Muchness, Southeast College Art Conference, Savannah, Georgia
2000                Visiting Artist Lecture, University of South Carolina- Lancaster



Mitchell, Michael, Interview With Art-Ed Hero Leslie Robison, Numbers, Inc.’s Young Art Writers Project blog, December 2018 https://youngartwriters.wordpress.com/2018/12/15/art-ed-chat-with-leslie-robison/


The 33rd Annual Tallahassee International, 2018 Juried Competition catalogue, page 33.


Smith, Tim, “A Monument to Insurrection: Dayton Society of Artists’ Special Summer Exhibit,” Dayton City Paper, July 10, 2018, page 10  http://www.daytoncitypaper.com/a-monument-to-insurrection/


Kuonen, Lily, “Interview with Leslie Robison,” Numbers Inc. Magazine, No. 93, March 2018, pages 20-21 http://www.numberinc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/No-93.pdf


Finnegan, Haley,  “‘Tiny Acts Topple Empires’ Opens At the Woskob Family Gallery,” Penn State News, March 27, 2018 http://news.psu.edu/story/512539/2018/03/27/arts-and-entertainment/tiny-acts-topple-empires-opens-woskob-family-gallery


Patton, Charlie, Arts Notes: Art Ventures initiative awards $28,000 to eight local artists, Florida Times Union, September 3, 2017 http://jacksonville.com/arts/entertainment/2017-09-03/arts-notes-art-ventures-initiative-awards-28000-eight-local-artists


Gritty in Pink, Exhibition Catalogue, 2017


Asaroglou, Vasiliki, Messing With Yarn, Exhibition Catalogue, 2016, pages 32-33  http://www.textileartsfactory.com/p/catalogues.html


Stewart, Bobbie, “Art to Heal and Connect: Art Professor’s Course Helps Students Engage the Elderly and Homeless in St. Augustine,” Flagler College Magazine, Fall 2016, p.7-8 https://www.flagler.edu/archive/magazine/art-to-heal-and-connect.php



Kayleigh Bywater, “International Artistry: Exhibit portrays bonds between mothers and daughters,” North Texas Daily, Denton, Texas http://ntdaily.com/international-artistry-exhibit-portrays-bonds-between-mothers-and-daughters/


Kara Pound, “Behold: The Obelisks,” pages 13-17, inset “Leslie Robison” page 16, Folio Weekly, Jacksonville, Florida, September 2, 2015 https://issuu.com/folioweekly/docs/folio0902wkl_book


Jorge Rivera, “The Obelisks and the Artists Behind them, Part III,” First Coast.TV, http://firstcoast.tv/the-obelisks-and-the-artists-behind-them-part-iii/ ,  July 2015


Daniel A. Brown, ”Open Source: The Art of Leslie Robison,” Folio Weekly, Jacksonville, Florida, page 22,

March 18, 2015 http://folioweekly.com/OPEN-SOURCE-THE-ART-OF-LESLIE-ROBISON,12203


 “Art Exhibit Spotlights Flagler’s Art & Design Faculty,” St. Augustine Record Compass, online March 6, 2015 http://staugustine.com/compass/2015-03-06/art-exhibit-spotlights-flaglers-art-and-design-faculty


“Leslie Robison,” 365Artists/365Days.com, A Frank Juarez Gallery and Greymatter Gallery Collaborative Project, January, 2015 https://365artists365days.com/2015/01/15/leslie-robison-saint-augustine-florida/


Bob Tis, “Flagler College art students and detainees make beautiful mural together,” Saint Augustine Record, page 1, June 27, 2014 http://staugustine.com/news/local-news/2014-06-27/flagler-college-art-students-and-detainees-make-beautiful-mural-together


John Foster, “Our Shared Past,” The Design Observer blog, May 18, 2014 http://designobserver.com/feature/our-shared-past/38469/


Nicole Gaudier, “Our Shared Past: Highlight on Leslie Robison,” Cummer Museum blog, March 15, 2014  http://blog.cummermuseum.org/2014/03/our-shared-past-highlight-on-leslie-robison/


Daniel A. Brown, “Pictures of Home,” on STAREHOUSE blog, December 13, 2013  https://starehouse.com/2013/12/13/pictures-of-home/


“New Art Exhibit on View in the St. Johns County Administration Building” stjohnsculture.com,


Carol Elliot, “Addressing Joann,” Saint Augustine Record Compass, p. 17, February 1-7, 2008


 “[IN] Compass,” show catalogue with image of work, p.9, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 2000


Laraine Evans, “Leslie Robison: Family Tree”, Show catalogue for Misc., p.24, University of Florida, 1999